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SIAM Journal on Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 10, Issue 3, pp. 405-656

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Inferring a Tree from Lowest Common Ancestors with an Application to the Optimization of Relational Expressions

A. V. Aho, Y. Sagiv, T. G. Szymanski, and J. D. Ullman

pp. 405-421

Optimal Multi-Way Search Trees

L. Gotlieb

pp. 422-433

Partial and Total Matrix Multiplication

A. Schönhage

pp. 434-455

A $T = O(2^{n/2} )$, $S = O(2^{n/4} )$ Algorithm for Certain NP-Complete Problems

Richard Schroeppel and Adi Shamir

pp. 456-464

Parallel Sorting with Constant Time for Comparisons

Roland Häggkvist and Pavol Hell

pp. 465-472

A New Approach to Planar Point Location

Franco P. Preparata

pp. 473-482

Uniform Interpretations of Grammar Forms

H. A. Maurer, A. Salomaa, and D. Wood

pp. 483-502

Attribute Grammars and Mathematical Semantics

Brian H. Mayoh

pp. 503-518

Automatic Programming of Finite State Linear Programs

Amir Pnueli and Giora Slutzki

pp. 519-535

Pumping Lemmas for Regular Sets

A. Ehrenfeucht, R. Parikh, and G. Rozenberg

pp. 536-541

Worst-Case and Probabilistic Analysis of a Geometric Location Problem

Christos H. Papadimitriou

pp. 542-557

Key Comparison Optimal $2$-$3$ Trees with Maximum Utilization

James R. Bitner and Shou-Hsuan Huang

pp. 558-570

Performance Bounds for Orthogonal Oriented Two-Dimensional Packing Algorithms

Igal Golan

pp. 571-582

An Average Time Analysis of Backtracking

Cynthia A. Brown and Paul Walton Purdom, Jr.

pp. 583-593

Deadlock-Free Packet Switching Networks

Sam Toueg and Jeffrey D. Ullman

pp. 594-611

Corrigendum: Soundness and Completeness of an Axiom System for Program Verification

Stephen A. Cook

p. 612

Exegesis of Self-Organizing Linear Search

Gaston H. Gonnet, J. Ian Munro, and Hendra Suwanda

pp. 613-637

Computing Sequences with Addition Chains

Peter Downey, Benton Leong, and Ravi Sethi

pp. 638-646

Preserving Functional Dependencies

C. Beeri and P. Honeyman

pp. 647-656